Home Suite Hope is grateful to the businesses that have stepped up to be sponsors of our 14th annual Empty Bowls event this year.
After two years of serving up a delivery model version of our signature fundraiser, HSH is returning to an in-person format.

The date is set for Sunday, Nov. 6 and the event will be held at St. Mildred’s-Lightbourn School in Oakville. We thank the St. Mildred’s school community for their efforts in hosting our event.
Once again, The Taylor Group is the presenting sponsor and once again, we are so grateful for the corporation’s continued support.

This year, Bell Canada has agreed to be a Gold Sponsor while Fiera Capital Foundation and Cogeco are Silver Sponsors.

Returning to support the event are Detailsguys.ca and Shiavone Diamond, joined by Capstick McCollum and Rina DiRisio of Royal LePage Real Estate Services Ltd., all of whom are Bronze Sponsors.

Local restaurants will be providing the soups while COBS Bread (Lakeshore) is providing breads and local stores will donate the desserts.

Attendees will be able to select a hand-painted ceramic bowl in which they can sample the variety of soups available and also take the bowl home as a souvenir.

We once again thank Crack Pot Studio. The studio is a mainstay Empty Bowls supporter through its hosting and organizing of bowl painting parties from which bowls are donated to the event.
Empty Bowls, which is fashioned after the traditional soup kitchen format is a means for HSH to raise funds for the support services it offers to single-parent families as they move from homelessness or precarious housing to stability over the four-year Homeward Bound Halton program. This program stabilizes the families in housing along with support, academic upgrading before the parents take on a two-year post-secondary education followed by job search, which again is supported through HSH.
Thank you to all of those who purchase tickets for our event and for those who’ve committed to be sponsors. We couldn’t achieve the success we do in moving single-parents in need in our community of Halton to stability without your support.
Sponsorship packages are still available. Anyone who is interested can contact HSH Development Director Krystal Valencia – krystalv@homesuitheope.org - or Events & Community Outreach Assistant Katelyn Zaoral – katelynz@homesuitehope.org.
We are always grateful to those who wish to paint and donate bowls to our event. HSH Executive Director Sara Cumming recently held a 'Friendsgiving' at her home for friends and family complete with turkey and all the fixings and a bowl painting party! Anyone interested in painting and/or donating bowls, can contact Crack Pot Studio - www.crackpotstudio.com/ - or Katelyn at katelynz@homesuitehope.org.
Tickets are on sale now for the 14th Empty Bowls, presented by The Taylor Group, to be held in-person Nov. 6, 2022 at St. Mildred’s-Lightbourn School.
For full details watch our Empty Bowls 2022 video.