Home Suite Hope HSH) is part of the Oakville Community Foundation’s (OCF) GIVEOakville campaign.

That means that as of Nov. 10 through Dec. 12, we at HSH, will be part of GIVEOakville - an online crowd-funding platform that with the help of your generous support, will help us and many other charities achieve our fundraising goal. Help us to get over the finish line and donate today: https://ocf.fcsuite.com/erp/donate/create/grant?grant_id=10345
The OCF has two goals for its #GIVEOakville campaign this year: to help raise funds locally for charities supporting Oakville and its residents and to spread the word about the important work local organizations like Home Suite Hope are doing.
#GIVEOakville allows people like you to give comfortably this holiday season with GIVEOakville knowing 100% of your donation goes directly to the charities of your choice. The Oakville Community Foundation covers 100% of the transaction fees, meaning we get the full value of your donation. Home Suite Hope has been certified for local impact and when you support our community’s charities, you are providing a better Oakville for everyone.

The GIVEOakville Guide showcases our charity, along with many others, who are serving your community. In fact, think of GIVEOakville as a ‘Shopping Mall for Charities’ and the Oakville Community Foundation as a personal shopper - your source for knowledge about local charities.
GIVEOakville also has some added bonuses, like the fact that 100% of your donation goes directly to us and other charities you want to support; your donation will receive a tax receipt; and, the Oakville Community Foundation is covering all administration costs!
As a donor, a gift of $20, $50, $100, $1000 or more can truly help local charities, like us, and help our entire community become stronger. In addition, Home Suite Hope is eligible for The Foundation’s ‘Top-Up Program.’ The Foundation is providing an additional $187,000 which will be directed and prorated when the campaign is closed.
With #GivingTuesday fast approaching, along with the holiday season amid tumultuous economic times, please consider donating to HSH through the #GIVEOakville campaign.