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HSH and Flight for Hope on CityNews Toronto


Oakville’s Callum Wallace is preparing to fly a single-engine airplane around the globe later this year. Callum’s goal is to raise awareness about affordable housing - and to raise $1 million in support of Home Suite Hope and its ongoing campaign to bring more affordable housing to Halton. Both Callum and HSH Executive Director Sara Cumming were recently featured on

CityNews Toronto.

Callum Wallace of Oakville loves flying, has a plane and plans to fly that single-engine plane around the globe later this year.

Callum is flying solo around the world in his single-engine plane to bring awareness to the issues single mothers face globally. He also has the goal of raising $1million towards HSH affordable housing efforts to secure more affordable housing across Halton - a place where poverty is often

unseen and which is one of the most expensive places to live in Ontario.

Callum was recently featured on CityNews Toronto as he was interviewed by reporter David Zura about the challenges facing his effort.

HSH Executive Director Sara Cumming was also interviewed about Home Suite Hope, how it helps single-parent families and the importance of affordable housing.

Watch the news clip:


Learn more about Flight for Hope and Callum Wallace’s flight.


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