Home Suite Hope has an urgent need for housing and we really want to hear from local landlords and property managers. We urgently want to partner with affordable housing providers as we move our single parent participants from poverty to stability through a four-year program that provides support and post-secondary education to result in employment and stability.
If you know someone who has rental units, in-law suites, is a property manager or contemplating building with a not-for-profit partner, we ask that you consider connecting with us. Contact HSH Director of Operations Catherine Villasenor at CVillasenor@homesuitehope.org
As part of our strategy to bring attention to the issue, HSH took part in Halton’s recent National Right to Housing Day Forum in late November.
The forum, which HSH helped organize, was an exploration of the policies that have led to the housing crisis and conversations for action. The forum was held at Gary Allen Centre in Burlington. Featured keynote speaker James Dunn, Ph.D. Jim is the Senator William McMaster Chair in Urban Health Equity and Associate Dean Research in the Faculty of Social Sciences at McMaster University.
In 2020, Dunn established the Canadian Housing Evidence Collaborative (CHEC), a knowledge mobilization and research capacity building hub funded by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation. Trained in urban health geography and social epidemiology, he has published widely in geography, public health, urban planning and epidemiology and has worked closely with governments at all levels to address issues related to the effects of income security, housing and urban development on health and healthy child development.
Dunn took the audience through understanding the policy landscape in his talk, 'Tackling the Housing Crisis in Ontario: Back to the Fundamentals.'
This was followed by conversation focused on calls to action and a panel discussion on what is being done and what else might be possible.
Sponsored by the Molinaro Group  and Meridian and hosted by the Regional Municipality of Halton the event was planned by community partners: HMC Connections, Halton Community Legal Services, Canadian Centre for Housing Rights, Home Suite Hope and Community Development Halton.