It’s that time of year again as Home Suite Hope single parents and their children have headed back to class to continue their studies. For the parents, it’s part of their journey from poverty to stability and allows them to set a role model for their kids.
For HSH it also means welcoming student interns who are joining HSH with a view to gaining experience, putting their skills into practice. For HSH, it’s an opportunity to welcome additional faces, hands and minds to our office and our work. As students may join us to further their own career journey, they share with us a wealth of skills and viewpoints.
This week we welcomed a Social Services Worker (SSW) student from Sheridan College – Temisha Jacques - and a Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) intern – Emma Abramowitz - from Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson).
Temisha Jacques

Temisha is at HSH to complete her practicum for her SSW studies at Sheridan. Temisha already has a Support Worker (PSW) certificate and Child and Youth Care (CYC) diploma. She also has more than five years of experience working with vulnerable populations, including children, youths, adults and seniors.
“I am thrilled to have an opportunity to work and learn from you over the next eight months. During the pandemic, I decided to change my career, leading me to where I am now. With a strong-rooted passion for advocacy, my lived experiences and an anti-oppressive lens, I hope to fit into the team dynamic well. After completion of my program, I plan to work towards achieving a Bachelor's degree in social work,” said Temisha.
She chose to intern at Home Suite Hope because she acknowledges and has overcome many of the struggles that single mothers endure.
“I understand the importance of having a network of vital support services for single parents and their children. Working with Home Suite Hope, I plan to utilize the theoretical theories I have learned in the program so far and gain insights into how I can best support clients transitioning from poverty to stability,” said Temisha.
She devotes her free time to spending time with her two daughters and working on her own self-care.
Emma Abramowitz

Emma is a field placement students for the 2022-2023 academic year as she completes her Bachelor of Social Work degree at Toronto Metropolitan University.
Emma has a Community Worker Diploma from George Brown College and is currently employed as an Addictions Counsellor at Wayside House of Hamilton, supporting men in early recovery. She also has previous work experience as a caseworker with the Elizabeth Fry Society of Greater Toronto.
“I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to learn from all of you at Home Suite Hope. I chose to complete my placement opportunity with Home Suite Hope as I believe the organization is an example of bridging the gap, offering necessary resources to those who otherwise may not have equitable access. I have worked with many single parents with various life experiences in the field. I have come to gain a greater understanding of the disparities that many face and the effect that this has on individuals and their families,” said Emma.
In her free time, Emma loves to read a good thriller, listen to music, and has recently taken up embroidery as a hobby.
“I look forward to getting to know you all and learning from and working alongside you,” said Emma.
Welcome to HSH Temisha and Emma!