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New Home Suite Hope Chair & Vice Chair announced


Home Suite Hope’s Executive Director and Staff want to send our deepest gratitude to our outgoing Chair of the Board, France Fournier.

France was the vice-chair through the difficulties of COVID-19 and took the helm as Chair as the organization continued to face incredible challenges due to inflation.

We are grateful to France for her leadership and for her eagerness to mentor our incoming Chair Emma Jarratt.

Likewise, we are grateful to our Vice-Chair Ted Ecclestone for his balanced and poised mentorship.

We are delighted to announce our incoming Chair and Vice Chair.

Emma Jarratt has been on the Board for the past two years and has been serving as the Chair of the Fundraising Committee.

Emma has been voted into the Board Chair role for a two-year term.

Nazeera Khan started with Home Suite Hope on our Industry Council helping our participants enter into employment. Nazeera joined the Board of Directors last year and has been serving as the Chair of Governance Committee. Nazeera was voted on as Vice-Chair for one term.

Valerie Del Hierro will assume the chair's role on the HSH Fundraising Committee while Rose Sharifi will step into the role of HSH Governance Committee Chair. We thank them both for stepping up. Naz and Emma will continue their involvement as members of their respective committees.


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