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Mondelez spends GivingTuesday with HSH

Home Stuie Hope (HSH) saw #GivingTuesday in action this year as 18 employees from Mondelez Canada Inc. arrived at our office to help wrap gifts for our annual Hope 4 Holidays campaign.

The wrapping team was organized by Mondelez employee Jessica Deogracias and

was attended by Mondelez managers Mike and Sarah. It was Mondelez Team GTA and some members came from as far away as Barrie and Alliston to participate.

The team included: Sarah, Mike, Tom, Gillian, Jash, Chris, Jennifer, Alice, Tom, Usama, Hashim, Brittney, Jamie, Lindsay, Craig and Jessica.

“We loved it! And hope to come back again,” said Jessica. The group was large so it participated over two days with ‘wrapping parties’ held at the HSH office the mornings of Nov. 28 and Nov. 29 (GivingTuesday).

Altogether nearly two dozen hours of time was donated to wrapping the gifts for our 25 sponsored families. In addition, each participating employee brought with them donations of toiletries and household cleaning products – which are also packaged and given to each of HSH participant families to help reduce costly grocery bills.

Mondelez first learned of HSH in connection to Empty Bowls and stepped up to help with the

Hope 4 Holidays campaign. Thank you so much!

Mondelez Canada Inc. is headquartered at 277 Gladstone Avenue, Toronto.

Watch the wrapping party video compiled thanks to Sharp Storytelling (Samantha and Thomas donating their time, too!)


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