Home Suite Hope is grateful to have the children of its single parent participants be included as a beneficiary of The Oakville Professional Firefighters Association’s 30th annual Toy Drive.
The goal is giving every local child an opportunity to enjoy a gift of their own this holiday season. The drive kicks off Friday, Nov. 25 with a Teddy Bear Toss at the Oakville Blades Hockey Game, and continues through Sunday, Dec. 18.
All donations will be distributed directly to local families, institutions and community agencies supporting children and youth.

Based on emerging information, need is expected to be higher this year as both families and family services organizations increasingly struggle with rising costs. The Firefighters are issuing a special call for gifts and gift cards suitable for boys and girls ages 11 to 15, the age group for which the need is highest this year.
There are many ways to donate including as Drive-Thru Toy Drive Event at Coronation Park Friday, Dec. 9 from 5-9 p.m.
For all details visit www.oakville.ca/residents/firefighters-toy-drive.html or visit oakvillepffa.com
HSH thanks the firefighters – and those who support them – for including the children of our single parents this holiday season.